Our Volunteer

We need YOU!  Each year, many members of our community give of their time and resources in making our annual Festival a success. We are GRATEFUL for their dedication prior to, during, and after the Festival. We encourage all that can to give of their time - even if it's just for an hour or two! PLEASE sign-up and support OUR community. Use the lick below to print a form and email or drop off in our office at church.





 If you are a young person looking for credit for your volunteer hours, please speak to any member of the Executive Committee about how to obtain credit! We welcome ONE and ALL! 

 (2) Help out BEFORE the Festival! There is a lot of preparations that happen every year prior to our Festival! We need volunteers to support the following initiatives:

  • Bake Moussaka / Pastichio 
  • Bake Pastries: 
  • Receive Deliveries: Monday to Thursday of Festival week
  • Festival Setup: Wednesday of festival week
  • Festival Breakdown: Monday, after festival weekend


(3) Volunteer DURING the FESTIVAL 

Any amount of time you can give is GREATLY appreciated! Even an hour gives someone else time off! In order to keep our community thriving, we must support each other in our biggest fundraiser of the year! Please submit information about the areas you are interested in volunteering in by filling out this online form: (call church office )

Festival Meeting Dates

Our meetings are on  




Online Chapel